About QuantyPhi
Who We Are
Like most credit union executives these days, you wear a lot of hats. You're busy beyond busy, and your needs are constantly changing - especially as balance sheets become more complicated and portfolios become more sophisticated. To complicate things further, you may not have the time, tools, and training needed to keep risk and opportunity balanced for peak performance.
But...what if your credit union had an experienced partner that could:
The constantly changing interest rate and regulatory environment today is compelling credit unions to actively manage their balance sheets more than ever before. Analyzing the potential impact of interest rate risk is no longer a luxury, but a necessity.
Changes to NCUA's interest rate risk supervision are forthcoming. Prepare for the Net Economic Value (NEV) Supervisory Test which calculates your NEV ratio and sensitivity for base case and +300 basis point stress rate scenarios. The results of the test will be used in part to determine which of the four risk classifications your credit union will be assigned (low, moderate, high and extreme). Are you prepared?
The NCUA has begun to standardize the treatment of non-maturity shares which represent a significant percentage of funding for credit unions. We can help you understand the standardization and how it affects the value you assign to non-maturity shares.
![]() | Features & Benefits
QuantyPhi is built on the notion that highly motivated staff provide better outcomes for their clients. The research explains how motivation is measured, and just how clients of QuantyPhi can expect to benefit from working with QuantyPhi. Making sure employees and clients are perfectly aligned in their motivation will produce better results and higher satisfaction for clients of QuantyPhi.
Our Name
Formed in 2017, our balance sheet optimization CUSO needed a name. Like most new entities, the name was to capture the essence of who we are and what we do for credit unions.
We want to emphasize how we work with our credit unions and who we are as people. We also want to communicate what we can do for credit unions to help them perform better financially.
To understand and manage any process, it must be properly measured. Financial performance is no exception. As financial institutions, we must understand the quantity of risk taken and measure that risk. We must also understand the expected return from taking that risk; thus, we quantify that risk.
So, who are we? We want to emphasize how we work, what we are here to do for credit unions and how we align our goals with the goals of our credit union clients. Our purpose, habits and incentives are clearly explained in this research piece on Phi.
Displaying what we do and who we are, we arrive at QuantyPhi. We are proud of who we work for and who we are. The name QuantyPhi tells the world just that.