Investing / Liquidity

Benchmarking allows credit unions to instantly determine how efficient their investment decision-making is relative to the amount of risk they are incurring.

Bond Accounting
Bond accounting provides an easy and effective way to track your institution’s investment accruals, interest payments, amortization, and accretion.

Investment Tools
Innovative tools to help regularly review your portfolio’s performance, helping leaders understand risk and improve asset/liability management.

Liquidity Framework Review
The Liquidity Framework Review will analyze the robustness and effectiveness of your internal liquidity program, liquidity risk management framework, and liquidity measurement and monitoring tools.

SimpliCD Issuing / Investing
The SimpliCD program can help your credit union maximize profitability with excess funds, attract new deposits, and simplify your cash flow management and recordkeeping processes.
Risk Modeling

ALM Modeling
QuantyPhi’s sophisticated ALM modeling solution provides detailed analytics and helps manage risks and ensure stability by aligning an institution’s assets and liabilities.

ALM Validation
ALM model validation assures credit union leadership that the interest rate risk measurement process accurately displays the risk exposure of their credit union and follows all regulatory guidelines.

Board / ALCO Training
QuantyPhi provides ALM, investment, liquidity, and risk management training through individual, in-person, or virtual meetings, seminars, and workshops.

Investment Advisory
QuantyPhi and Corporate Central, through our partnership with Concourse Financial Group Securities, Inc., offers credit unions an Investment Advisory service to help reach goals of balance sheet optimization.

Mortgage Servicing Rights Analysis
QuantyPhi’s sophisticated MSR valuation model calculates the value of a credit union’s mortgage loan servicing income on loans that have been sold, but for which the servicing rights are retained as an income stream.

Non-Maturity Deposit Analysis
Non-Maturity Deposit Analysis is a statistical review of credit union’s share accounts to estimate their price sensitivity and expected life of to better enable ALM assumption setting and strategic planning.

Policy Review
A Policy Review helps your credit union by suggesting areas for improvement, addressing items to change, and ensuring compliance with all applicable regulations.

Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) Validation
QuantyPhi's CECL Validation service is designed to ensure your credit union's compliance with the Current Expected Credit Loss (CECL) accounting standard.
Why Choose QuantyPhi?
More and more credit unions are partnering with QuantyPhi balance sheet optimization services because Quantyphi is a trusted, experienced, financial services CUSO - 100% focused on credit unions, owned by credit unions, and serving only credit unions.
QuantyPhi Provides Financial Expertise, Technology, and Resources
QuantyPhi’s financial experts offer credit unions a full range of balance sheet optimization services including balance sheet consulting, portfolio analysis, benchmarking, and loan participations. They provide the expertise, resources, technology, and sophisticated reporting services credit unions need to grow and succeed. Who you partner with for financial services MATTERS. QuantyPhi helps credit unions stay relevant and strong.